White Papers

SUNA Suprapubic Catheter Task Force has developed a White Paper on Management of Patients after Suprapubic Catheter Insertion. This white paper provides recommendations based on expert opinion and the scarce evidence relative to suprapubic catheter care after the initial post-insertion change. Special thank you to the following task force members: Susanne A. Quallich, PhD, ANP-BC, NP-C, CUNP, FAUNA, FAANP; Todd Thompson, MSN, RN; Jodi Jameson, MLIS, AHIP; Katie Wall, MSN, FNP-C; Michelle J. Lajiness, DNP, FNP-BC, FAUNA; Gina Powley, MSN, ANP-BC, FAUNA; Anthony R. Lutz, MSN, NP-C, CUNP; and Jean Hemphill, PhD, MSN, FNP-BC.

Download the White Paper

SUNA collaborated with the American Urological Association on the development of three white papers on optimizing outcomes for patients before, during, and following urologic surgery:

Thank you to the following SUNA members who served as workgroup members or peer reviewers: Frances Foley, MHA, RN, CURN; Gwendolyn Hooper, PhD, APRN, CUNP; Michelle Lajiness, NP; Christopher Tucci, MS, RN, BC, CURN; Charlene Vollmer, BSN, RN-BC; and Glenda Wilkinson, BS, RN, CURN, CRLS, MLSO.