Receive a Free Year of Membership

Score with 4! Get 4 colleagues to join SUNA & receive 1 year of free membership.

As a SUNA member, you receive one of the best benefits packages of any nursing association in the country. By spending only a few minutes of your time, you can extend your membership for FREE and be entered into a drawing to WIN big, while also helping your colleagues tap into the same SUNA benefits you enjoy!


  • Offer good October 1 through September 30.
  • Your colleagues must be new to SUNA or have not been a member for at least 1 year.

Download the Flyer / Application

As easy as . . .

  1. Fill in your name in the space marked “Recruited by” on the membership application. Make copies and distribute them to your colleagues who may want to join SUNA.
  2. Direct your colleagues to join online at Remind them to put your name in the “Recruited by” space on the application.
  3. Ask them to let you know when they have joined. You will be automatically notified by SUNA of your prize level at the end of the campaign.


Follow these helpful tips for recruiting new members.

Recruiting new members is about sharing your membership experience with others.

Here are some suggestions to help you reach out to potential members and encourage them to join SUNA:

  • Share information about Urologic Nursing journal with colleagues and let them know what they receive in each issue.
  • Write a mini article to be included in the monthly E-News and on the website about why you belong to SUNA.
  • When new employees begin working in your facility, tell them how SUNA can help them transition in their new role.
  • Share the benefits of SUNA membership.
  • Forward SUNA emails to your colleagues to let them know how much value they will get as a member.
  • Invite a prospective member to attend either of the SUNA Conferences (Advanced uroLogic and uroLogic) with you.
  • Give a gift of SUNA membership to your staff or colleague.
  • Encourage colleagues to become certified in urologic nursing and share how they receive discounts on study resources, NCPD credits, exam and renewal fees.
  • Forward an engaging thread from a UroConnect conversation and let them know members ask questions, provide advice, share documents, and more!
  • Most importantly, be sure to ask potential new members to identify you as their recruiter on their membership application.


Recruit up to 3 New Members
  • 10 SUNA Savings Dollars for one membership
  • Plus 5 SUNA Savings Dollars for each additional membership
Score with 4 or More New Members
  • 10 SUNA Savings Dollars for one membership
  • Free 1-year membership (valued at $95 - $150)
  • Entered into a drawing for free registration to the SUNA uroLogic Conference
Recruit 10 or More New Members
  • 10 SUNA Savings Dollars for one membership
  • Free 1-year membership (valued at $95 - $150)
  • Free registration to the SUNA uroLogic Conference

Recruited up to 3 New Members

Christine Amoroso
Noelle Brossman
Bettina Broughton

Valari Cathey
Dianna Durkee
Krisztina Emodi

Cathyleen Filippi
Margaret Amy Hull
Shandi Husen

Jennifer Lewis
Elisabeth Okroi
Cecilia Sambarano

Recruited 4 or More Members

Susan Lipsy