Volunteer Application

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SUNA Volunteer Opportunities

SUNA needs you!


Do you have talents and skills that you could share with our outstanding organization? Are you fantastic at organizing? Are you creative? Do you sit in the audience at conferences and think of ways in which things could be better? Great!

Here are a few areas in which you might serve:

Candidate for one of SUNA’s Board of Director positions- serve 1-2 years or more.

          Task Force member – usually less than or equal to one year of time.

          Serve on a Committee - usually less than or equal to one year of time.

Please fill out the form below to let us know of your interests so when a role becomes available, we (include dates): In two or three sentences, state why you are interested in being appointed to a SUNA position: Please mark the positions on the next page you would be interested in. can match you with an opportunity. Thanks!

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