Past SUNA Foundation Donors

Thank you to the following individuals and organization who made donations in support of the SUNA Foundation during the 2019-2020 fiscal year.

Gold Donors

Donation of more than $250

Silver Donors

Donation of $101-$250

Bronze Donors

Donation of $25-$100
Linda Adams
Katy Bortell
Donna Brassil
Metro Chicago SUNA Chapter
Michael Brennan
Debbie Buback
Carol Eihorn
Ardeth Hale
Deborah Hensley
Cheryl Le Croy
Jean Lewis
Susan Lipsy
Mary Meskel
Susanne Quallich
Kevin Trimble
Valre Welch
Tracey Young
Marianne Borch
Central Oklahoma SUNA Chapter
Cure Medical
Donna Eoff
Meghan Johnson Michele Lajinness
Sarah Lavy
Dawn McKenzie
Mississippi Valley SUNA Chapter
Northern California SUNA Chapter
Angela Oberg
Karen Poe
Gina Powley
Research Triangle SUNA Chapter
Rocky Mountain SUNA Chapter
Mary Roethel
Lisa Shimkus
Donna Stubbs
Saundra Sturdy
SUNA Board of Directors
Syracuse SUNA Chapter
Jennifa Thomason
Treva Thomasson
Janet Udelhofen
Katie Wall
MaryAnne Wasner
Colleen Ydo
Linda Abril
Olive Adriano
Jeffery Albaugh
Laurie Atkinson
Shanna Atnip
Amber Bacon
Janice Beckman
Michele Boyd
Rosemary Bradt
Sue Butcher
Dorothy Calabrese
Central New York SUNA Chapter
Ann Chinnakotla
Tammy Clamann
Kathleen Colella
Rachel Connor
Joanne Cory
Aleesha Crobar
Caroline Cromby
Megan Curtis
Francine D'Alfonso
Denise D'Andrea
Linda Davis
Janenne Dickmann
Amy Driscoll
Sarah Drummer
Kristen Durham
Hillary Durstein
Kitty Emmerson
Cathyleen Filippi
Karen Fitzgerald
Frances Foley
Danette Gaetke
Janet Giroux
Luz Gonzalez
Great Lakes SUNA Chapter
Greater Orlando SUNA Chapter
Joanne Guilianelli
Margaret Hayes
Donna Hollister
Gwen Hooper
Jody Hughes
Harriet Ingram
Anthony Jannetti
Nancy Kuc
Tracy Lane
Virginia Lewis
Katherine Marchese
Tandy Martin
Jamie McDaniel
Saundra Morse
Jennifer Mosher
Angela Moss
Caroline North
Catherine Odum
Jennifer Page
Marie Page
Concetto Pinto
Brianne Pitavalle
Nancy Pizzurro
B. Polidan
Tina Rapps
Rose Ravalli
Ann Robinson
Dorothy Rodriquez
Lorena Schmitt
Joan Schwartz
Victor Senese
Leanne Shimke
Maria Smith
Carolyn Stahlhut
Gwen Stone
Angela Strong
Carralea Sueppel
Glenn Sulley
Louis Talamantez
Donna Thompson
Becky Thorne
Molly Tucker
Ron Volanti
Kongkco Vorachack
Mary West
Glenda Wilkinson
Erin Wollseiffen
Linda Wood
Nancy Yates
Agnes Yost
Gerry Sue Young

The SUNA Foundation welcomes contributions from SUNA members, corporations, and other individuals.

Go to SUNA Foundation Donation Form

Donations are tax deductible. You will receive a receipt by mail for your records. The SUNA Foundation qualifies as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Thank you for your support!